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Top 6 Books

When I started to think about this blog I originally had a list of about 10 books and was trying to narrow it down to 5.

After much evaluation and self reflection I was left with the books you see now.

I went back and forth trying to decide what my top 5 would be.

I sat and reflected on all the lessons they have imparted and the way I felt while reading them. I acknowledged all imprints they have left yet still couldn’t narrow it down.

So here it is my top 6.

I never really read books until I was in my early twenties. It only occurred to me at this age that fiction books weren’t the only thing I could read.

SIDE NOTE - There is nothing wrong with fiction it just isn’t my sort of thing.

I found personal development books, which lead me onto biographies of well respected leaders in the world that lead to spiritual books and books about seeking your true purpose.

If you have read any of these types of books then you will know, that every one will impart you with a little wisdom.

But in this case my world and perspective of the world changed after finishing each of these books.

Each one has left imprint and I can honestly say I try to live my life through the messages that come in these books.

1.The Power of Now - Ekhart Tolle

2. The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer

3. The Ride of a Lifetime - Bob Iger

4. The Journey Home - Radhanath Swami

5. The Monk who sold his Ferrari - Robin Sharma

6. The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks

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